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Astral Valley 2013-Now

After searching the galaxy far and wide the Astral Gypsies where drawn to a strong brilliant energy emanating from the mysterious caves, crystal clear springs, and druzy quartz covered hills found in the Ozarks. 


They welcome you to join them & build The Creative Cosmos of Astral Valley, an art complex designed for creation and innovation. Located just 45 minutes south of St. Louis, this magical park is teaming with life and all the essentials needed to create dreams. 



Interested in building Art with the Astral Gypsies,

join our artful crew here...

Astral Valley

Mingle with the most Vivacious Villains! Come cause some mischief, graffiti the lair, participate in the ultimate Good vs. Evil challenge or find your soul lost in the Lair of the Lurking!

With the 2010 theme being "Metropolis" we thought about what every city has... regardless of if they want them or not... Villains!  There is always that aspect of Good & Evil, Yin & Yang, Black & White... the balance of all things.  Most people would probably rather think of themselves as the good guys in the story… but let’s face it without those bad guys the good guys just don’t exist.  So, since we like those good guys so much we want to make sure they get the recognition they deserve… by becoming the Vivacious Villains of BRC!  We want others to join in as well!  The project will be set up as a creepy, dark, mysterious maze for all to come and lurk around in 24/7! The entrance will consist of a giant fanged skull carved from foam blocks and covered with plaster mache'. The maze will be 40' x 50' and constructed completly of old barn tin.  Spray paint will be provided for fellow burners to come and graffiti the project.

We encourage people to use the maze as a sort of notice board to make art and statements regarding all sorts of important issues concerning our planet and our nation (not so different from the graffiti you may see in your home town).   Another words get the good and the bad out there… let it be seen and heard… share how you feel about life, policy, love, pollution, art, politics, etc… we want you to share your thoughts and express yourself!  If you are feeling frisky you can enter through the fanged mouth skull where your soul will become lost in a mysterious maze of wacky twisted confusion and crazy occurrences.   Let fate decide where you end up!    



Interested in building Burning Man art with the Astral Gypsies,

join our artful crew here...

Lair 2010

Square Seed 2012

“The Square Seed of Thought” art installation symbolizes ones internal thinking process. Thoughts stem from an individuals subjective consciousness and are the underlying origin of most human actions and interactions. The mind is like a fertile seed, when an idea is planted or imagined what grows is usually a direct result of that individual’s interpretation of their own world model and surroundings. The 3D maze represents the confinement of our thought process to our experiences and the ability of people to overcome generalizations and expectations placed on them by society. While you find your way in the maze of thoughts you will be confined to small passages, entrances, and exits; some leading you nowhere and others directing you to the light. The goal of the project is to communicate to the participants the importance of thoughts in general. By thinking we are also creating by attracting those ideas into our reality. Use diligence in your thoughts, but do not limit them to the ideals of this world.

Square Seed

Overcome perception and think outside the box, don’t become trapped by societies’ groundwork of what we need to be or should become. Burning Man has long been a supporter of individuality and this project demonstrates the rat-race like affects of conformity in thought confinement and the importance of unique thinking!




Reminding you to... Postulate External to the Quadrilateral






Interested in building Art with the Astral Gypsies,

join our artful crew here... 

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